Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Have a Dream!

It is hard for women to get a job or to even be recognized as an artist. Both of the readings for the week are inspirational. Both have different ways of working in the art world, but are both very successful in their own ways. We live in a world that is not always the most friendly to women, and when it comes to jobs other than desk work or being a nurse, our world is less than hospitable.
The Guerrilla Girls have been leading the feminist march to equal rights in the art world for centuries now. Not only are they trying to empower females but also people of color. They have strong statistical facts about how most art in museums and galleries is by white men. They have been inspirational to so many people with some of their wild and crazy tactics. These girls are so amazing because they are not doing this to further their careers in the art world; they stay completely anonymous and just fight for what they feel is right. They make posters and post them all over town; they are true activists with a cause. I wish that I was able to be as active for the things that I believed in. They are truly the Martin Luther King Jr. of the art world.
The second reading is also very inspiring in a spate way. It is another woman who stood up for her beliefs in a separate way. Her name is Mart Jane Jacob. She used to work at a museum but quit because she also felt like it was sexist and racist. Instead she became a curator, another important role in the art world. It is inspiring to see woman succeed in the art world when so little do. It is obviously a white man’s world.
Although the guest lecture was sick this week it would have been nice to compare her to these artists because she is succeeding in the art world in a different way. She, as well as Ty Warren, is teaching art. There are many different things you can do in the art world and these women have shown three of many ways. The guest lecturer for the week did ceramics, we have had lecturers that were painters, animal rights activists, and so much more. There are so many women out there and they all have a dream, but are not all willing to be an extremist to make a point. It is stimulating to me as a young women see other women still making a stand for what is right. We have been suffering hundreds of years of oppression but we are not willing to give up the fight for what we believe in. It is beyond incredible.

This is an obvious one by the infamous Guerrilla Girls

This is compelling to me because most of the guest lecturers that were male and most of the male art teachers I have encountered always show a naked women. Way to stand out girls!

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